Happy Holiday on this the longest night of the year, the Winter Solstice! Celebrated in the northern hemisphere marking the start of winter and the return of the light, this year is special. 2018 coincides with both a full moon AND a meteor shower! Darkness and light, each need the other. Extreme darkness allows the light to feel more precious, providing the setting for a single flame to illuminate the night. Without darkness, we cannot fully appreciate the importance of one small flame of Light. It’s the contrasts in our lives that provide the opportunities for growth and discovery.
As Christmas nears and the year ends, my hope for you is that you gift yourself quiet time to consider these 5 important questions. Brendon Burchard my coach and mentor, taught me to step back at the end of each year and ask yourself these thoughtful inquiries called “Five by Five”, give 5 answers to each of these 5 questions:
1. What 5 things I am grateful for in 2018? And 3 things I missed appreciatin...
Happy Holiday on this the longest night of the year, the Winter Solstice! Celebrated in the northern hemisphere marking the start of winter and the return of the light, this year is special. 2018 coincides with both a full moon AND a meteor shower! Darkness and light, each need the other. Extreme darkness allows the light to feel more precious, providing the setting for a single flame to illuminate the night. Without darkness, we cannot fully appreciate the importance of one small flame of Light. It’s the contrasts in our lives that provide the opportunities for growth and discovery.
As Christmas nears and the year ends, my hope for you is that you gift yourself quiet time to consider these 5 important questions. Brendon Burchard my coach and mentor, taught me to step back at the end of each year and ask yourself these thoughtful inquiries called “Five by Five”, give 5 answers to each of these 5 questions:
1. What 5 things I am grateful for in 2018? And 3 things I missed appreciati...
Hi everyone!
December is the darkest month of the year, when nights stretch to their longest, outpacing the daylight here in the Northern Hemisphere – yet, the very longest night, the Winter Solstice on the 21st, is also when the cycle shifts and the sun begins to reassert itself.
Helping the light along are the holidays of this season - Hanukkah, the festival of lights, and Christmas and the kindling flame of hope it brings to the faithful. It can’t be by accident that this long, dark night of a month is when we gather with those we love to share joy, merriment, and gifts – or that it so often leaves us feeling exhausted.
I always sally forth into dark December buoyed by high hopes; hopes of reconnecting with old friends, of sharing laughter and fun with family, and of finishing the year with a sense of accomplishment rather than regret. And there have been some years in which I actually achieved all of that – but other Decembers have seen me miss the mark. How about you?
This project started with my interview with Mary Labyak President and CEO of the Suncoast Hospice 6 months before her death. My dear friends Christy Whitney and Samira Beckwith, Gretchen Brown and David Simpson are also starring in the Masters Interviews section. My deepest gratitude to them for sharing their wisdom with me and the world.
Sign up now for the Hospice Master Class Membership and SAVE BIG! Cyber Monday sale, today only!! Get all the details here!  OPENING Introductory Price + Lots of BONUSES!
By participating in the Hospice Master Class Membership with me, you will learn the essentials of what it takes to manage and lead in this sacred and chaotic world of hospice. My unique experience as both a hospice executive director and owner of...
"Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts.” Alan Cohen
November a happy/sad time of the year for me. It is packed with events and emotion like Mid-term Elections, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, and November has been proclaimed by each President and Congress since 1984 as National Hospice Month. It’s an opportunity to acknowledge the fine work that hospice staff and volunteers do for dying people and their loved ones. Few organizations receive the honor of an entire month’s commemoration, and surely none is more deserving of such a “thank you” than hospice for the sacred work they do.
In the last couple of weeks, I delivered three keynote speeches to hospice staff and volunteers to mark National Hospice Month. The first was for Haven Hospice, the organization where I was Executive Director for 16 years, overseeing its growth from a very modest three employees when we opened, to national pr...
Even in a year in which I’d stretched myself past what I thought were my limits, October was the most intense month of growth I could imagine. There were days I felt like my brain might actually explode (fortunately for those around me, it didn’t.)
My October quest began with a question; How is the world beyond hospice using new technology to get their messages out in powerful, meaningful ways? I began the journey at Mel Abraham’s Thought Leader Academy. Mel is a CPA who helps people from across the world put their special genius into a framework that’s simple to explain and share with others. With 35 years of hospice and leadership experience I realized the things that I know and take for granted are unique – and I’m learning to bring them to a broader audience. For an idea of what thought Frameworks can do, think of how the pyramid graphic makes Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs simple to understand.
Patti and Mel Abraham at the Though Leader Academy in L....
Being a leader in uneventful times takes focus and attention. Leading in times of chaos is a whole different thing. Nowadays, organizations all over the country hone their readiness for emergencies with “disaster drills” that prepare them to function in all manner of catastrophes; calamitous weather events, onsite shooter drills, and multi-casualty incidents like train wrecks or plane crashes.
But I live in Florida, home of the hurricanes, and I’m not talking about the University of Miami mascot. I’m talking about Michael, and Irma, and Andrew; storms that have brought such widespread and stunning devastation that it is difficult to describe in words.
I know that every part of the country is afflicted with some kind of natural disaster - wildfires and earthquakes out West, tornadoes on the Great Plains, and Snowmageddon-sized blizzards in the North - but for me, hurricanes mean autumn in Florida – a far cry from beautifully colored leaves gently drifting from the trees.
Recently, Hu...
I’ve had a very busy summer consulting with hospices all across the US. In talking with administrators about their biggest worries, I heard one alarm sounded everywhere I went: Hospice is in the grip of a critical nursing shortage. Certainly, in some areas the problem is greater than in others, but make no mistake; recruiting the ideal experienced, compassionate, smart, flexible and dedicated hospice nurse (or social worker, for that matter) is more challenging by the day. As a board member of the University of Florida College of Nursing’s Alumni Council, I can tell you that the school cannot afford to admit more than 120 new undergraduates/year. The University of Delaware College of Nursing admits 136. Numbers like these will not begin to meet the burgeoning needs of the Baby Boomer generation as they age.
And it’s not just that new nurses aren’t entering the field at the rate we need them to; we’re losing those we have, nurses who are leaving the profession because they’re unhappy w...
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness” Mark Twain
How much time do you spend in planes, trains, cars and hotel rooms? I love traveling thanks in part to Mark Twain’s quote above. Getting to see my clients while traveling is the bonus! Travel for work can feel like an endless sprint of stuffing suitcases and figuring out rental cars, bolting down airport meals and rejiggering your internal clock to match the time zone you’re in. As someone who spends a good chunk of her working life on the road, I’ve managed to come up with some useful strategies that take a lot of the stress out of constant travel, and I’d like to share them with you.
I keep a suitcase mostly packed and at the ready at all times. Mine contains a full, separate set of my makeup and other must-have beauty products, all in the regulation-sized bottles and jars. I keep a complete outfit of walking/workout clothes in there and a pair of running shoes, because if I leave them at home, it’s an excus...
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