Patti Moore is a hospice expert, thought leader,
certified high performance coach, speaker and author.
talk with patti
I had the privilege of working in hospice in the early days, the early ‘80s. It wasn’t so much about death, it was about living. It was about giving people permission to make their own choices about care. It was helping families take care of their loved ones. It was about empowering people to live a full life until the end of their life, and it was such a privilege to be part of the beginnings of that. My whole life has been a real privilege because of that work. Since that time, I have published, become a coach to many hospice leaders, and have spoken to groups and organizations. If you would like to discuss how you or your organization can profit from my experience, contact me and schedule a call.
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Patti’s purpose in life is to be joyful and authentic, to value and appreciate each moment and person, to strengthen and share her gifts in order to uplift, inspire and empower people to achieve their dreams and make a difference in the world. Patti is a bridge keeper, helping people transition from old ways of thinking to new understandings about life and death.

Patti Moore, APRN, MSN, BSN, has always been passionate about serving others. Patti began her career as a nurse, where her commitment to service and compassionate care and leadership caught fire. For 16 years, Patti loved leading the Hospice of North Central Florida (now known as Haven Hospice), into one of the largest and finest not-for-profit hospices in the country. In 1999, Patti founded The Watershed Group, a distinctive consulting and coaching firm dedicated to supporting organizations and leaders to achieve new levels of freedom, growth and joy.

Patti’s primary mission has always been to relieve suffering and empower people so they can live full and vibrant lives. Relentlessly focused on ensuring that people who face serious, life-threatening illnesses and their loved ones have the support and high-quality care they deserve to live full, dignified lives. In her spare time, Patti enjoys walking on the beach of Cumberland Island, Georgia, boating on the Intracoastal waterways, and capturing beautiful images of nature and people. Patti and her husband, Steve, can often be found Airstream camping in one of America’s beautiful national or state parks, being astonished by the wonder and beauty of it all.
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