As 2021 draws to its close most of us will find ourselves reflecting on the year that’s passing, and taking stock of our personal balance sheet to see how we did. Did we squander our most precious capital – our time, our health, our relationships – or did we build on it, by following through with our good intentions and doing just a little better in these pandemic times than we had in the “before times”?
           Making this kind of personal reckoning can be maddening because our intentions so often outstrip our actions. We all want to be more mindful and more intentional – I certainly do! – but life has other plans and we’re so often caught up in dealing with what’s coming at us in the moment that we lose the clarity that the long view brings. The year-end holidays can be difficult for some of us because they shine a bright light on how we’ve used our time on earth in the last 365 days, throwing our missed opportunities or resolutions into focus. And it’s e...
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