
Fear and Faith

faith strength Oct 10, 2020

Fear and Faith.


This week I have had enough. Enough of Covid19, enough of soul-numbing politics, enough of horrific wildfires, and hurricanes, and enough of isolation from friends and family. Enough already 2020, I’ve had enough of you!  The feeling of frustration had seeped into me like the smoke of the wildfires seeps into everything.  


Finally, I stopped and faced my fears and took control of my emotions. Instead of watching the news I went back to my morning routine of meditation, walking, inspirational readings, and having faith that the world will continue to spin, and the sun will continue to rise.


I have learned the more I face my fears and keep moving forward, taking action in harmony with my values and integrity, I emerge stronger.


Fear is normal.  Fear is helpful.  Fear is an emotion that says “Hey! Take notice of this, something’s up!”.  Don’t ignore fear…Ask “what are you trying to tell me?”


The Stockdale Paradox is a concept that was popularized by Jim...

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