
In Memory of Melanie


In Memory of Melanie Collins

 I learned this week of the death of a dear colleague, Melanie Collins, RN, BSN. In December 2016 I wrote a Blog  about Melanie that is also in my book Creating A Culture of Care: Inspiration and Insights from a Hospice Leader.

To honor Melanie I'd like to share excerpts of that story here today.

       In hospice, we don’t have anything to sell other than the services we provide. We don’t make a product; we don’t offer goods or trade. What we offer is love and care to people who are dying, and to their loved ones. Generally, the first order of hospice business is relieving someone’s physical suffering. It can be more challenging to relieve someone’s spiritual and emotional suffering who ask the unanswerable question, “Why me?”. It’s our calling to ease this human sufferingby caring for our fellow beings and empowering them to live their lives fully until they die.

When people speak of hospice and the gallant work they do, who do you think of?  For...

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