
Be the Light

Be the Light


December is a month of beauty and celebration and reflection and exhaustion. People in the working world are rushing to finish year-end projects, budgets, and goals. Analyzing what went right and what went wrong during the past 12 months while focusing on what to expect in the coming year. Between the major holidays and cultural expectations, we pack an unrealistic amount of “To Do’s” into this 1 month. December has a lot of pressure on its shoulders!

This year December has a frightening new challenge. In addition to all the usual December pressures and delights, now we must consider what to do about gifting and gathering during the most alarming time in modern US history: Covid19.

This year why don’t we take advantage of the stay at home recommendations, put on the holiday music, don our best sweat pants and holiday sweaters, light a candle or 8, make cookies and eat them ourselves, write love notes to everyone we know and give...

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