
Don't Hesitate

gratitude intention joy Mar 31, 2023


What crazy times we are living in. Look in any direction and you can see heartache, uncertainty, fear, frustration and more. It’s like the world has turned upside down and the Universe is giving us all a good shake.


I was speaking with many of my clients and colleagues this past week and every single person was dealing with something big in their life. No one was immune. Myself included.


And yet…it’s during these times of chaos and confusion that we get to see what we’re made of. I tweaked my back last week. By “tweaked” I mean I had excruciating back pain the likes of which I never had before. Pain was all consuming for several days. The fear of being limited in the active lifestyle I love was almost worse than my physical distress... and it was not pretty.


Each day we are faced with big and small uncertainties. What to have for dinner, what movie to watch or how do I cope with big life decisions that were not in my original plan.


These are times to simply embrace...

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Eye Can See Clearly Now

Eye Can See Clearly Now


Happy New Year! It’s crazy that it’s already the end of January 2022. This long and winding treacherous road of Covid19 has worn everyone out and the exhaustion level for so many has been off the charts.


My healthcare colleagues and clients are reporting staff call-outs for sick and/or quarantining at higher rates than at any other time since the pandemic began. Thankfully those vaccinated have not been gravely ill. One colleague said 10% of their staff have had close relatives die of Covid.


The indefatigable stress and strain in these times take a toll. Most of us went into healthcare to serve others, selflessly. That’s great when the reservoirs are full. However, for many, the tanks are empty. So how do we go on? What will it take to keep putting 1 foot in front of the other?


Intention. All of us alive today who keep going to work, caring for the kids, brushing our teeth, getting meals prepared, and functioning in the normal ways have wonderous...

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It's Summer!

focus intention summer Jun 25, 2021

It’s Summer!


Summer is generally time to take off and have some fun. While this summer is a far cry better than summer 2020, Steve and I are still staying close to home. I’m just not ready to get on a plane and travel freely yet.


My incredible 97-year-old mother in law has been staying at home these past 15 months as well. She told me recently of the joy it brings her to sit in her recliner, look out her window and see the magnolias tree with buds beginning to bloom. She has looked out that same window for 60+ years onto her wooded back yard and still even now, she is finding unexpected beauty.


Each day she shares the number of buds that have blossomed into flowers and the delight in her voice is palpable. She inspired me to be more intentional about appreciating the beauty in small focused spaces around me. It’s easy to look at a view you’ve seen a million times and not really “see” it.


It’s also easy to look at a person you’ve know a long time and not really “see” the...

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