
New Beginnings!


New Beginnings


June! It is a time for summer vacations, weddings, graduations, and for endings and beginnings.


Some years ago, on my 50th birthday, my husband gave me an exquisite cloisonne pendant of a dancing figure, arms up over her head in joy titled by the artist, ā€œnew beginningsā€. My beloved knew exactly what I needed to lift my spirits as I reached that major milestone. I felt like my youth had ended and something else was taking its placeā€¦a new chapter in life.


With each year that passes, new milestones are reached, and new discoveries abound. Yet, to get to the new, very often we must release some of the old. When I left my job leading a wonderful hospice many years ago, I wasnā€™t certain about what was ahead for me. But once I began to have the time and grace for some ā€œbreathing spaceā€ to just relax, all manner of ideas and inspirations revealed themselves to me, and The Watershed Group was formed.


When our heads are down, doing the day-to-day work of ma...

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