Ask anyone who had the honor of working with the late Dr. Robert "Bob" McCollough, M.D., and chances are good theyā€™ll share a story about his kindness, his insight, and the respect and gentleness that informed his interactions with everyone around him, from patients and their families to his peers and co-workers. Hereā€™s mine:
The Student and the Teacher
Today I sat at the feet of the teacher, once again absorbing lessons of great importance; not the lessons that you learn in books or labs or research institutions, but the lessons of life as theyā€™re taught only through the wisdom of the dying.
Today I sat at the feet of one of the finest men I know; Dr. Robert McCullough who was the first full-time medical director at Haven Hospice. He is quite simply a remarkable human being, conducting his lifeā€™s close exactly as he wants it, and itā€™s a beautiful thing to witness.
Just before Christmas I receiv...
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