
Happy 15th Anniversary

“Until one is committed there is hesitancy…the moment one definitely commits oneself, providence moves in.  So, whatever you do, or dream you can do, begin it.  Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”   -Goethe

The Watershed Group is celebrating 15 years in business!  When I started TWG in 1999 I was not certain of the future.  But as Goethe said, “…whatever you do, or dream you can do, begin it.  Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” And so I took the leap and never looked back.

What a privilege it is to be invited into organizations to offer perspective and guidance resulting in streamlined operations, financial stability and improved care for dying people and their loved ones. I never forget my work eventually touches dying people and that makes me happy.

As we move into the next chapter of hospice care, superb care will be the differentiator and being a willing partner to create the next new wave of caring for the dying is paramount.

For me, hospice is so much m

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Hospice Leaders Must Be Fearless

Each day Hospice leaders look death in the face and adjust their organizations to meet the needs of patients, caregivers, staff, donors, volunteers, referral sources, local/state/federal government regulations and the communities they serve; and do it in the midst of revolutionary change.  They must be fearless, they must be creative, they must be smart, they must be innovative and they must care.  This work is not for the faint of heart.

As many of us in end of life care attend the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s Management and Leadership Conference in Washington DC this week, we must remember there are hundreds of people we can meet and access during this time together.  Listen, learn, share and have fun connecting with others who are committed to outstanding end of life care.  Recognize we are indeed all in this together, with a common purpose: support and care of those people facing serious illnesses and their loved ones.

It seems like the health care system...

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March Madness

Do you work with a “team of experts”?  Or do you work with “expert teams”?  The job of a leader is to put together teams who believe in and live the organizations’ mission, who can influence and carry out change and accomplish established goals.  All the while trusting one another, respecting one another, and even loving each other and the work they do.

The UF Gator Boys are on top, once again.  The University of Florida Men’s basketball team is made up of strong players none of which were All American high school stars or any who will be #1 NBA draft picks. These players play as a team and because of that are currently ranked #1 in the nation going into the NCAA finals tournament.  What is their secret?  A single star player who shoots like a madman or a perfect ball handler or a giant who towers over all the others?

No, the Gator Boys are a team.  Not a “team of experts” but an “expert team”.  Their love of their teammates, their university and the game of basketball is evident. 

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